i used to love my ups delivery man, always friendly and happy to chat. since moving to bernal heights they've become a nightmare! so far they've left 4 packages on the sidewalk in front of the house. luckily i've come home shortly after delivery, so only 1 out of the 4 boxes have been stolen. does the driver not realize how stupid it is to leave a box unattended on the sidewalks of san francisco?
after the first call to ups asking them to please stop leaving boxes outside on the sidewalk the driver decided to get clever, and threw the box on the small second story balcony. the balcony is about one foot wide with 1964 glass doors behind it. the box was small to medium sized and fairly heavy, getting to my point they are lucky that the box didn't break the glass door!
after the second call to ups asking them to again, please stop leaving boxes outside on the sidewalk the driver decided to leave two boxes outside at the same time. maybe they thought one would protect the other from theft.