
estate sale

for the last couple years, every day on my way to work i pass by st.joseph's village.  it's a beautiful old church that i've wanted to get inside forever now. so i was excited to see the doors unchained and wide open for an estate sale this week.  

unfortunately the old church was sold, and they are planning on making it into condos and retail space. the old man and woman i spoke with said the buyer claims to keep the church standing, and restore it to its original beauty, but i find it hard to believe.  i would love to hear that that's what he does, but i can't figure how they'll make condos and retail space with the current construction. 


i ♥ brian wilson


big move to treasure island

moved pigeon to treasure island, and bid a farewell to the berkeley marina over the weekend... see the whole story at the accidental jibe


keep calm...

and snap on.

love these prints inspired by the never released wwii propaganda poster 'keep calm and carry on', originally designed by the british ministry of information in effort to calm the the nation of britain if the nazi's had invaded.

one of the many, and my favorite versions of the 'keep calm' posters... this one brought to you by the keep calm shop on etsy.

and can also be purchased though the folks at photojojo...

new prints for sale...

added a few new prints for sale at my etsy store. please stop by and check them out...

(click image to get to my store)



a couple of my photos from cuba made it up on hipstamatics today. in case you haven't stopped by hipstamatics, it's an online blog for hipstamatic photos, with some fabulous work.

thanks hipstamatics!


the top 100

i'm honored to announce that i made the top 100 photographers list of the 'one life' photography project.  the first image in the top row and column is mine!

words from the one life photography project-
"The One Life Photography Project attracted entries from all around the world. We've been introduced to incredibly gifted photographers, and we've selected 100 portfolios that reflect the level of diversity and talent we've seen."


go warriors!

at my first warriors game of the season.  a late birthday present from brian, and they won!


birthday up in the air.

headed back home today.  i've never flown on my birthday, but with the time change and all it ends up adding a few hours to my birthday.  so even more hours to think about how old i'm getting.... great.

birthday breakfast!

today's my birthday.  woke up in indiana and will be going to bed tonight at home, in san francisco.  

so before we left for our flight sally and my dad made me cinnamon rolls for my birthday breakfast... yum!


go colts, i guess!

so it's no surprise to most of you that i'm not a big football fan.  i love baseball and basketball, but just can't seem to get into the extreme contact and constant stopping in football. 
but.... brian's a huge football fan, huge, and my uncle larry has a suite at the new lucas oil stadium where the colts play.  so we went to a game, and it was great seeing a lot of my extended family that i don't usually get to see, like my uncle larry.