
pancake breakfast

it's always nice having a big, delicious breakfast. especially when someone else is cooking! thanks dad. i did flip the pancakes and wash the dishes to contribute.   

blueberry pancakes, eggs, and oj.... yum!

earthquake! in indiana?

yep, that's right we had an earthquake this morning in indiana.  a 4.2, well later it was reported as a 3.8 magnitude from the usgs.  just a little shake, but none the less an earthquake in indiana!

of course being in town from san francisco, 'quake capital' all my friends and family accused me of bringing it with me. i assured all of them that it was not me that brought the earthquake, but the fault line that runs through the midwest. 
local news coverage of the quake here.


james taylor inc

in case you all didn't know my dad's a builder.  so went down to nashville, indiana today to see a cabin he's been building for the sasso family.  it is amazing.  here's just a peak, but it's still in progress... so more pictures to come when it's all completed. 

so if you're looking for a builder in the greater indianapolis area, or know someone who is, please check out my dad's website... jamestaylorinc.com he and his team do beautiful work.



flew back to indianapolis the day after christmas.  it's my first time back in the wintertime and the first time i've seen snow in six years! 

we got here just in time, because it all melted a few days later.  


happy christmas.

a very merry christmas this morning!  the kitties have opened all their presents, and we're spoiled rotten as usual. 


flying betty

happy christmas eve everyone!

happy christmas.

happy christmas eve everyone, i hope your holiday is filled with love and joy. 


christmas cookies

i may have over extended myself a bit this year, but i think the results were worth the effort!  here is a small sampling of the christmas cookies i baked this year...  lemon zest cut out cookies with powdered sugar, maple-walnut cookies, decorated sugar cookies, red velvet whoopie pies, and chai tea cookies. oh, and peanut butter buckeyes (not pictured).

happy holidays everyone!!!


betty's first christmas tree.

to my surprise the day we brought the christmas tree home betty didn't seem too interested in it. but as we keep adding presents underneath, she seems to be getting more curious about the whole christmas tree thing. 


fecal face dot com coverage photos

my photo coverage of the white walls winter group show & manos extranas at the shooting gallery are up on fecal face dot com, please check them out.


always good times

bowling. at presideo bowl, after a long wait to bowl it was good times as always.  my high score, 93. 


happy holiday's etsy treasury

please check out the new treasury i put together on etsy... happy holidays!
above from ChasingtheCr...


oh christmas tree,

oh christmas tree, how lovely are your branches!


QUIET LANDS on Fecal Face Dot Com

please check out me and megan wolfe's fecal face dot com coverage of the group show 'quiet lands' that i was part of last month at ATA gallery...

(click on photo to link to coverage)


sun bathing

sampson, sun bathing in the window.